Lone Oak Farm Brewing Company


Beer & Wine

About Us

The ancient oak tree sits alone on an open field. IF ONLY THIS OLD OAK TREE COULD TALK. It would tell you about how it marked a boundary that separated families who were on opposite sides of the Civil War — union supporters on this side, confederate supporters beyond. It would tell you about the former owner of The Oaks, as it was known back then – The Griffiths, and then Samuel Riggs IV of the Riggs and Sandy Spring Bank family. Riggs enlisted during WWII and bought the farm in 1949. He built a reputation for his dedication to farming and his church, dabbled in genealogy –and served as chairman of Sandy Spring Bank for more than 30 years. It would also tell you about a former owner’s beloved dog, Mac, who died in 1918 and whose headstone still sits close to MD-108. But more than anything, The Lone Oak would tell you it’s glad for its view.